新博网页,你会发现自己面临着各种写作的挑战, 从文献综述和实验室报告到更长的研究或有说服力的论文. 然而,我们并不期望你在第一次踏入新博网址是多少时就成为一个完美的作家. Rather, 我们将与您一起帮助您将高中阅读和写作知识转移到大一, from your previous institution to ours, from your New College courses to your thesis, and ultimately, from New College to your life after graduation.

写作计划的使命是在新博网页提供最高质量的写作教育. To do that, 写作计划借鉴当前的研究,创建和支持一套有凝聚力的创新和智力严谨的课程,并为整个新博网址是多少社区开发动态资源.

Need help with your writing?

写作计划的教师和学生写作助理在这里帮助任何类型的写作, at any stage of your writing process.

Rhetoric and Writing

The Rhetoric & Writing Secondary Field Concentration (Minor) courses are grounded in Writing about Writing theory and pedagogy, wherein the content of the course is writing. 所有修辞学和写作课程都包括正式和非正式的写作作业, provide multiple opportunities for feedback/feedforward, and facilitate ongoing revision of writing processes and products. Learn more here

Recent Courses

In order to work towards cultivating their own theories of writing, 本课程的学生将探索写作研究等领域的基础文本, educational psychology and applied linguistics. 学生将有机会运用这些理论来发展自己的写作过程,通过反思他们的形成性读写经验,以及通过将他们的写作知识从高中转移到大学. 学生将被介绍到修辞体裁研究,以调查他们预期的集中领域的体裁惯例. 成功完成本课程的学生将为迎接任何学科的大学写作挑战做好充分准备.

Throughout this course, 学生将学习将他们的学术写作知识转移到非学术环境中. 本课程的校内部分将着重探讨写作的基本概念, the role of the individual writer in a community, and rhetorical genre studies. 要考虑的问题包括:为什么你的写作想法很重要? How does writing help people get things done? How is meaning constructed in context? 本课程的校外部分将使学生每周在当地非营利组织或专注于教育的社区组织实习约4小时, arts, the environment, or health/human services; during their internship, students will investigate, analyze, 并最终产生这些组织用来与各种利益相关者沟通并实现其使命的写作类型. By the end of this course, 学生将理解并能够表达他们在新博网页学习的写作和研究技能如何适应学术界以外的写作环境. 适合:有兴趣探索专业写作的二年级和三年级学生. 先决条件:优先考虑参加过写作研究或写作强化课程的学生.

This course invites students to explore scientific writing, 或者是科学家们为与其他科学家或以科学为中心的社区交流他们的研究而写的文章. 特别强调的是分析科学写作体裁的差异, including differences in genre conventions like formatting, tone, tense, and citation systems. 旨在支持科学探究与写作过程, this course also includes attention to bibliographic reading, descriptive writing, process writing, and developing research practices. This class is process-oriented, meaning much of the content learned will be practiced in-class; regular attendance is required. Pre-Requisites: Writing About Writing, Writing About Writing for the Natural Sciences, a Writing Enriched Course in the Natural Sciences, or permission of Instructor.

探索论文是一门高级写作课程,提供给任何在新博网页学习过写作研究或写作强化课程的学生. 本课程探讨论文形式的传统和实验. 本课程的动力来自论文的定义,即“证明或尝试”.” With such an open-ended definition, 我们将研究传统和当代作家试图定义的问题, or test. 学生将参与我们课程的核心问题:什么是一篇文章? What is the role of the writer? What can an essay accomplish? Who reads or engages with an essay? 通过在写作研究中跨学科的练习和应用写作技巧, 探究论文将为学生提供进一步发展技能的机会:

— identify and anticipate the needs of multiple audiences
— identify and apply creative non-fiction writing techniques
— read essays across various disciplines, varying in complexity
— develop a sustained writing practice throughout the semester
— read and write rhetorically for multiple audiences and contexts

本课程将介绍一对一同伴指导的理论与实践, specifically in the field of writing. 学生将在写作研究的理论和实践中打下基础, education, 通过交流,他们将能够构建自己的写作辅导理念. Students will: explore ways in which learners approach reading and writing and why these approaches are highly individualized; consider the impact that previous literacy knowledge has on acquiring new literacy knowledge; discuss and explain practical approaches to tutoring; and observe and practice tutoring in the New College Writing Resource Center. 本课程是任何希望申请成为新大学写作资源中心学生写作助理(SWA)的学生的必修课程. 这门课程没有先决条件,并且对任何年份或AOC开放.

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Faculty Writing Resources


College Application Workshops

大学申请论文的写作对许多学生来说是一种压倒性的经历. This workshop is here to help. 

Writing Program Faculty

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